Save  RM10,960.00 (RM5,960.00  with Scholarship from Asia Pacific Development Foundation + RM5,000.00 graduation Fees in Australia) if You are able to sign-up within 2 weeks from the date of this email.

Entrepreneurial MBA
Tourism MBA

Find out more, just call Jimmy @ 016-3344940 for details
(while Asia Pacific Development Foundation, Australia
Scholarship funding is still available)

Become a TOP Corporate Entrepreneur

or a Wealthy Entrepreneur

or a Successful Tourism & Hospitality Professional

Achieve your career goals by securing

a Prestigious 12 months Entrepreneurial MBA
 The Entrepreneurship Institute of Australia

or a Prestigious Tourism MBA
Tourism Institute of Australia


We recently completed our Entrepreneurship core module Seminar.
Please read what our Entrepreneurial MBA & Tourism MBA participants
say about our Accredited and Internationally recognized
Entrepreneurial MBA &
Tourism MBA Programme…..

- I benefited most from Entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation & the   Entrepreneurial mindset lessons

- Facilitator is very experienced in real life work experiences hence the examples are very useful. She is fun, vocal & we all benefited and  gained a lot !!

- I benefited from the Intrapreneurial model, articles & strategies

- Exceptionally interesting articulate & compelling in lecturing as well as communicating with students

- Very good facilitator with very good attitude towards students

- Excellent preparation by facilitator, excellent delivery with a caring heart

- Well prepared lessons with plenty of examples which made the lessons very interesting & enjoyable !

- Facilitator has demonstrated great depth of knowledge.

- Two thumbs for the facilitator !

- Facilitator is an example of a champion in the industry.

- Facilitator is generous, willing to share all her expertise.

- Very good facilitator and very interesting presentations.

- Good performance from a good and experienced facilitator

- A very good, thoughtful facilitator.  


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